Focusing on the Six Traits of Writing, Reading Strategies, Motivation, and Nonfiction
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett
The weather in the town of Chewandswallow is tasty. Food falls from the sky, which is great, until one day the weather takes a turn for the worse. . .Ideas
Read aloud Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs and discuss how the author developed the idea of using food in the place of weather. Brainstorm other ideas for a story in a chart titled, "Cloudy With a Chance of. . ." Some ideas may include: toys, candy, sports, or games. Lesson Idea: After students brainstorm a list of other ideas, have them choose one to develop into a writing piece. Text to World Connection: If students see the movie, ask them to compare the movie and the book. How did the movie stay true to the author's ideas? Or use the brief movie trailer below to make some comparisons:
I am a mother of two and the founder of Links to Literacy, an educational consulting company. I enjoy incorporating literacy into our everyday lives and hope to help you do the same.
I am a former elementary school teacher with a passion for literacy both professionally and personally. My children have been exposed to books since birth (before, if you count the books I read to them in utero). My classroom library was a focus of my room. It is my goal to make this blog a resource for educators and parents, alike. If you like it, please share it!